Saturday, October 17, 2009

small pleasures

small pleasures

-allowing the elderly to take my seat in a jam packed bus after an already tiring day
-allowing those trying to push their way past to go in front of me, only to find one man holding his hand out in gesture to allow me to pass first
-finding comfort in old friends
-making new friends with people you would have never met had they not been on the same program because of things like different friend groups or majors at k
-climbing the roof of my house and lying on my back just to watch the stars
-walking in the rain completely drenched, and having an elderly gentleman come up to me with an umbrella to walk with me and keep me dry
-making massage and head scratch trains with a line of people after smoking and getting drunk at 2 am on a thursday night
-thursday dinners, good people, good food
-stopping everything
-stopping class in the middle of the hour cause we can hear the entire school scream "gooooallll" and then dismissing class based on that cheer
-greeting each other with kisses
-sharing the common belief with someone that watching a house or barn burn in flames would be absolutely beautiful and not thinking thats crazy
-playing guitar on my porch in the sun
-telling someone they have a beautiful smile without worry about other connotations
-dancing like no one is watching, in the middle of a bunch of people at a bar
-taking shots with my host dad
-allowing the rain to pour so much louder in my head that it drowns out everything else
-laughing uncontrollably at something thats not even that funny


  1. I love this!! It also makes me miss you... :(

  2. i love the one about football and classes dismissing :) i feel like that is my kinda class! wish i could have been on the roof with you to watch the stars and i feel like this is a perfect list. it is also perfectly you :) miss you oodles!
